96 Tests PN: B111191


45x Ab-conjugated beads (S4P5 - human OPN Ab-bead). PN: B111191A. One vial containing 100 µL of anti-human OPN conjugated to AimPlex Bead S4P5.

25x Biotin-detection Ab (human OPN Biotin-dAb). PN: B111191B. One vial containing 100 µL of biotinylated anti-human OPN.

Lyophilized Standard Mix-Human Group 4 Panel A. PN: HG4009A. One vial containing lyophilized recombinant human BDNF, beta-NGF, EGF, FGF basic, OPG, OPN, PDGF-AB and VEGF-C. Note: If multiple analyte kits on the above target list are ordered as a panel, only one vial of standard mix is supplied for those analyte kits.

Application: Optimal antibody pair and antigen standard for assaying human OPN.  Can be multiplexed with other analytes in Human Group 4.  To be used in conjunction with the AimPlex NR Basic Kit (PN: P100001) and a diluent kit. Refer to the AimPlex Multiplex Immunoassay User Manual and kit inserts for the assay procedure.

Storage:  2-8 C in the dark.

Important: Sodium azide forms explosive compounds with heavy metals. These products contain <0.05% (w/w) azide which with repeated contact with lead and copper commonly found in plumbing drains may result in the buildup of shock sensitive compounds. Dispose in accordance with regulations from your institute.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Assay Specifications:

  • Sample types: Cell culture supernatant, serum, plasma, bodily fluid and tissue/cell lysate

  • Sensitivity (LOD): < 5 pg/mL

  • Quantitation range:

  • LLOQ: < 10 pg/mL

  • ULOQ: > 5,000 pg/mL

  • Standard dose recovery: 70-130%

  • Intra-assay CV: < 10%

  • Inter-assay CV: < 20%

  • Cross-reactivity of analytes in Human Group 4: Negligible

  • Sample volume: 15 µL/test


Osteopontin (Accession P10451) is a secreted matricellular protein synthesized by fibroblasts, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and smooth muscle and is secreted by all bodily fluids. OPN mediates inflammatory cell migration and acts as Th1 cytokine which has roles in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Though OPN is not necessary for normal bone formation, OPN is key in regulating tissue repair and stimulates osteoclasts to develop ruffled borders, which begins the process of bone resorption. Increased levels of OPN are linked to myocardial dysfunction, a variety of cancers, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, and asthma.


  1. Kahles F, Findeisen HM, Bruemmer D. Osteopontin: A novel regulator at the crossroads of inflammation, obesity, and diabetes. Mol Metab. 2014; 3(4): 384-393. Doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2014.03.004.

  2. Lund SA, Giachelli CM, Scatena M. The role of osteopontin in inflammatory processes. J Cell Commun Signal. 2009; 3(3-4): 311-322. Doi: 10.1007/s12079-009-0068-0.

  3. Singh M, Salal S, Singh K. Osteopontin: At the cross-roads of myocyte survival and myocardial function. Life Sci. 2014; 118(1): 1-6. Doi: 1-.1016/j.lfs.2014.09.014.